Validate Emails for Accuracy

We have verified millions of emails to date. Try our feature out now!

Intuitive, feature-rich, affordable customer verification software

We built SalesMix for motivated businesses like yours. We wanted to provide a platform where you can find & verify leads, warmup your email, conduct multi-channel campaigns, and manage customer relations all in one place.

What you get
with Salesmix email verification?

We give you verified emails with proven results - more efficient campaigns and more leads reached. Our verification process is rigorous to ensure the highest quality leads list for you. We not only check for syntax errors and duplicates, we actually ping the server to get real responses.

Clean prospect lists with the freshest data

 We can help verify your emails, by connecting to your existing CRM, or through a list upload. Faster streamlined customer Email List Verification so your sales team can focus on closing deals and not waste time on chasing fakes.
Valid emails every time
Peace of mind that you aren't wasting time
Weed out catch-all domains and invalid email addresses

Lowest bounce
rate ever...with SalesMix

Salesmix verification system keeps all invalid and suspicious emails off your prospect lists. Again, we don't just use probabalistic algorithms, we also check pings to the actual server to get a real response & check MX
Avoid getting spammed or scammed
Improved deliverability
No frustration with bad contacts


With close to flawless deliverability, you'll leave your competitors behind and reach more real lucrative leads while investing less. We guarantee that we can improve your deliverability!
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Find Prospects
that actually reply!

What you get with SalesMix verification...
User-friendly interface
Large database with millions of verified emails
Upload your prospects list, and we'll do the work of making sure you're contacting real, available people

The most accurate
email address verifier online

Thanks to Salesmix's unique 7-tier verification process
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Email Verification is not that hard

Never commit the faux pas of contacting the same lead twice. SalesMix lets you merge duplicates on the go, update prospect's data and stay sure that you won't irritate your next lead - you'll convert them.



5,000 credits
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50,000 credits
Validate your emails
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100,000 credits
Validate your emails
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Speed up Your Workflow With Verified Emails From SalesMix

We've helped e-commerce sites, web designers, and more to verify their emails list, so they know their leads are real and current!
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Frequently asked question

Learn more about how SalesMix works- we answer some frequently asked questions from our clients.
Does SalesMix offer email warmup?
SalesMix is a 360-degree sales platform that offers Email Warmup. It also allows you to automate your email campaigns, send automatic LinkedIn messages, schedule calls and SMS, track prospects, and much more. It is an all-in-one solution for those looking to scale their business rapidly.
Can I purchase leads through SalesMix and verify them?
Our built-in lead search system enables you to filter by multiple criteria to find and build lists that best fit your USP. SalesMix also comes with a built-in lead verification system. While the in-purchase leads we offer are already verified, through this tool, you can upload your CSV of leads and get them verified to ensure the highest possible deliverability for your campaigns.
Can I collaborate with my sales team through SalesMix?
Our distinctive workspace feature enables you to add team members to your account and assign them unique roles. Through this, your sales team can create, run and manage your campaigns. SalesMix Workspace makes collaboration more effortless than ever.
How many email accounts can I connect to one SalesMix account?
While there is no limit to the number of email accounts you connect to our system, depending on the pricing tier you are on, there is a monthly sending cap for the number of emails you send out. For more details on the SalesMix pricing structure, visit here. 

Make Sure Your Customers
Get Your Emails In their inbox!

Autopilot your cold email outreach with the help of automated follow-ups.
Land in the inbox

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